Here are some of the more common questions people ask about Barbershop singing. Click the tab on the left to see our comments.
If you still have questions, please press the button below to send us an email.
Do I have to be able to read music?
How will I know my voice part
Am I too old to sing barbershop?
Do I have to learn all the songs righ away?
Do I have to be able to read music?
No. We will give you learning audio especially created for your voice part.
How will I know my voice part
Our illustrious music director will help you decide your best and favourite part so you’ll love singing with us.
Am I too old to sing barbershop?
We accept people of all ages, so don’t worry. You’re never too old to sing barbershop.
Do I have to learn all the songs righ away?
No, you can take all the time you need. Learn one song every month or two, that’s fine. No rush, although you’ll probably want to learn as many as possible so you can join in.
Please drop us a message and we’ll get back to you with our best answer!